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Viva LAS VEGAS! RIEGL is Exhibiting at Commercial UAV Expo

Reading Time: 2 minutes

It’s that time of year again and RIEGL is ready to take flight for Commercial UAV Expo 2024 in Las Vegas, Nevada! This year’s event is taking place at Caesar’s Forum from September 3rd – 5th.

Join the RIEGL team of experts at booth #701, where we will feature the entire Unmanned LiDAR System product line up integrated on RIEGL USA’s UAV Affiliate platforms – these Affiliates are a key selection of vetted industrial grade quality drone manufacturers with proven successful integrations of RIEGL LiDAR systems for seamless data capture and operations.

What can you expect from RIEGL this year?

Tuesday, Sept. 3rd: Join RIEGL for the Exhibitor Showcase in the Alliance Conference Room #309. RIEGL USA’s Division Manager of Unmanned Laser Scanning, My-Linh Truong, will be giving a brief highlight on the benefits of RIEGL’s mini but mighty unmanned laser scanning product lineup during the Exhibitor Showcase on Tuesday September 3rd from 2:48 PM – 3:00 PM. Later that day, from 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM, We invite you to head to the exhibit hall and RIEGL booth #701 for the Kick-Off Commercial UAV Networking Social to engage with likeminded individuals on key UAV technologies.

Wednesday, Sept. 4th: Want some fast facts on the new RIEGL RiLOC®-E? Check out Pitch the Press from 3:30pm – 4:30pm at the Exhibit Hall Theater as My-Linh Truong, RIEGL USA’s Division Manager of Unmanned Laser Scanning takes the stage to discuss this latest solution. The RIEGL miniVUX-SYS with RiLOC®-E is the perfect entry-level LiDAR system for integrations with small multi-rotor UAVs.

On display at RIEGL Booth #701:

RIEGL on the Exhibit Floor:

Also, we encourage you to visit all of RIEGL’s customers and partners exhibiting as well, along with our UAV Affiliate platform providers and OEM partners’ payloads powered by RIEGL:

  • Aerial Services Inc.
  • Applanix
  • Tech
  • Balko Tech
  • Flir
  • Geocue Group
  • NV5 Geospatial
  • Phase One
  • Phoenix LiDAR Systems
  • Sharper Shape Inc.
  • YellowScan

The RIEGL team is looking forward to connecting with you at the Commercial UAV Expo in Las Vegas! Until then, eyes to the sky and keep on scanning.

Note – If you liked this post click here to stay informed of all of the 3D laser scanning, geomatics, UAS, autonomous vehicle, Lidar News and more. If you have an informative 3D video that you would like us to promote, please forward to editor@lidarnews.com and if you would like to join the Younger Geospatial Professional movement click here.

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