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European Space Imaging becomes EUSI

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European Space Imaging are rebranding to the acronym of EUSI.

After more than 20 years in the Earth Observation business, and known personally by customers and partners internally for many years as EUSI, the company felt like it was time to modernise their brand. It was important that the new logo was representative of the company”s commitment to innovation and the reliability of delivery of imagery in an ever-changing technological environment. For this reason, the new branding is rooted in the company’s heritage and will continue to feature the block icon that has become synonymous with the Space Imaging family, but with a fresher look and feel.

The new branding will be rolled out across all platforms in the coming weeks. It includes a new logo that is clean, modern and bold, as well as an update to the company’s brand colours. The first physical appearance of the logo in market will be at DGI being held in London, 27 Feb – 1 March 2023.

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