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GMV provides the core software for the Greek SST System

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GMV has been awarded a contract to provide the core software for the Greek Space Surveillance and Tracking (SST) System, which will contribute to the country’s capacity for the European EU-SST partnership.

The National Observatory of Athens (NOA), supported by the Ministry of Digital Governance of Greece – General Secretariat of Telecommunications & Posts, awarded a contract to GMV to supply the core software as a complement to the existing national SST capacity to run the Greek Space Surveillance and Tracking and Space Awareness (SST/SSA) Program.

The system comprises an operations center, the GR SST NOC, located in Athens at the Operational Unit BEYOND/NOA, and a network of optical telescopes in locations throughout the country, referred to as GR-KRYONERI 1, GR-SKINAKAS 1, GR-THESSALONIKI 1&2, GR-HOLOMON 1&2, and GR-BAKER NUNN to support space tracking and survey operations. It will use GMV’s state-of-the-art COTS software for SST (FocusSST) to support the core processing infrastructure. This includes SST capabilities and functionalities such as sensor tasking, orbit determination, collision avoidance, re-entry prediction (in the operations centre), and optical data astrometrics and photometric reduction (in each of the network’s telescopes).

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