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AR SDK 6.0 Upgrade Offers Enhanced Feature

Reading Time: 3 minutes Competitive Edge in the AR Market with real-time spatial scanning and device expansion SEOUL, South Korea, May 2, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — MAXST Co., Ltd. (KRX: 377030), a company specialized in metaverse platforms, releases the MAXST AR SDK 6.0 version on May 3rd with the enhanced performance and features. In the newly updated version, ‘Space Tracker’, which […]


Reading Time: 3 minutes Nach Gewinn des Qualifikationsturnier in Frankreich qualifiziert sich die Mannschaft aus Florenz für den Eurocup 3.  Zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte für ein toskanisches Team. FLORENZ, Italien, 2. Mai 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Die Volpi Rosse Menarini haben nun die Grenze überquert und sind auf dem Weg nach Europa. Die Mannschaft aus Florenz ist das […]

AMP and Safire Group Announce Strategic Alliance to Drive Innovation for Micro-mobility

Reading Time: 2 minutes LOS ANGELES, May 2, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — AMP, a technology company for energy management of electric mobility, and Safire Technology Group, Inc. a venture-backed company developing cutting-edge battery safety technology that helps prevent fires and improves performance have announced a new partnership that will bring together their expertise to deliver a battery management system for customers seeking increased […]

Fusion Pharmaceuticals Announces Opening of Radiopharmaceutical Manufacturing Facility to Produce Targeted Alpha Therapies for Cancer

Reading Time: 4 minutes Facility is on track to be fully operational in 2024 HAMILTON, ON, May 2, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Fusion Pharmaceuticals Inc. (Nasdaq: FUSN), a clinical-stage oncology company focused on developing next-generation radiopharmaceuticals as precision medicines, today announced the opening of its state-of-the-art radiopharmaceutical manufacturing facility. The 27,000 square foot good manufacturing practice (GMP) compliant facility, which […]

最新推出! 后续内容! 5月造访Chuck E. Cheese

Reading Time: < 1 minute 最超值”披萨和游戏”优惠、新创菜单,还有为繁忙暑期增加雇用5000名员工的计划 达拉斯2023年5月3日 /美通社/ — 备受喜爱的家庭娱乐中心和餐厅品牌 Chuck E. Cheese 公布了今年5月将在其全国各地娱乐中心推出的系列活动相关资讯。 在美国民众在学校学年结束前为家人寻找最佳家庭娱乐选择之际,Chuck E. Cheese宣布推出其最超值周间优惠:19.99美元的”披萨和游戏”(Pizza & Play)特惠,让午餐或晚餐安排可以轻松搞定。 披萨和游戏 通过Chuck E.Cheese最新推出的 “披萨和游戏”优惠,家庭共聚时间将成为快乐时光。该项优惠从19.99美元起,包括一个单人份起司披萨和30个游戏积分,价值高达30.99美元*,5月31日前每周一到周五均可通过 Chuck E. Cheese 应用程序获取,适用于参与本次推广活动的游乐中心。 游乐中心全年都有新的游戏推出,因此30个游戏积分意味着最多可以玩30个游戏**,让家长可以做出适时、经济的安排。  新的奖励(Rewards)会员每天都可以享受这项超值优惠,并在注册时获得额外的500张免费电子票。 此外,成人在应用程序中输入孩子的出生日期时,将解锁会员专享优惠、奖励,以及生日和准生日礼遇,让每个人都有更多的庆祝理由。 全员共享的派对拼盘 在今年5月举办庆祝活动的所有客人现在都可以尊享我们的六款派对拼盘,起价15.99美元。 生日派对、亲友聚会、毕业典礼、运动队庆祝活动,或希望共享菜肴的任何团体现在都可以尊享派对拼盘,包括:超大鸡翅拼盘(XL Wings Platter),最多8份鸡翅,布法罗辣鸡翅酱、烧烤酱、甜辣酱或原味酱可选;Large App Sampler拼盘,最多提供六人份,包括两份加热的蒜酱奶酪面包,融化的鲜切马苏里拉奶酪、披萨酱和田园酱蘸料,还有一份鸡翅和薯条;蔬菜拼盘(Veggie Platter),包括西兰花、胡萝卜、西红柿和芹菜,最多可提供八人份,配有田园酱或蓝奶酪酱;新款薯条拼盘,包括5份经典脆薯条、番茄酱和田园酱蘸料;最后一款是甜点拼盘,最多可供五位爱吃甜食的朋友享用,包括一个超大的热巧克力脆片曲奇、美味的brookie,也就是巧克力脆片饼干和巧克力布朗尼的组合版,此外再加上丰富多样的独角兽吉拿条,也就是完美烤制的经典吉拿条,撒上棉花糖、酸苹果和蓝树莓糖。 招聘、福利和奖学金 全国各地的家庭娱乐中心为繁忙夏季做准备之际,Chuck E.Cheese 将在其所有游乐中心和位于德克萨斯州欧文市的支持中心雇佣5100名演员(最低年龄15岁)、经理和技术经理。 面向包括演员在内员工的福利计划旨在提升他们的思想、身体和财务状况。 符合条件的美国员工将获提供传统福利,包括医疗、牙科、视力、人寿和残疾保险,以及奖学金、折扣和401(k)退休储蓄计划,以及额外的大学财务援助,包括获得支付40%的学费和全额支付的四年制学位课程,以及免费获得以下任何领域的技能提升或技能再培训谷歌职业认证:数据分析、数字营销和电子商务、IT自动化、IT支持、项目管理和用户体验设计。 Chuck E.Cheese还通过我们新的”今天工作,明天领薪”计划让员工可以提前支取已赚取的工资。 无需再等待下一个正式发薪日! CEC Entertainment首席营销官Sean Gleason表示:”我们很高兴能推出最新的‘披萨和游戏’优惠、新款派对拼盘,并欢迎5100名新演员加入我们的团队。 客人们正在为家人需求最超值的选项,我们相信,这些新增项目将提升他们的餐饮和娱乐体验,同时为和我们一样热衷于为客人和家庭提供难忘体验的热情、勤奋和有趣的人们提供更多工作机会。” CEC Entertainment认为,他们的员工队伍应该反映所服务的众多客人的不同背景、经历和观点。 作为一家平等机会雇主,他们不会因种族、血统、肤色、遗传、性别认同、性别表达、性取向、国籍、宗教、年龄、身体或精神残疾、怀孕情况、退伍军人身份或基于任何其他联邦、州或地方受保护阶层身份而歧视申请人。 有意加入CEC Entertainment的人士请访问 https://chuckejobs.com/ 或发送 CHEESE 至 58046 以获取全部开放职位列表*** 。 关于CEC Entertainment, […]

Leica Geosystems Introduces the Next Evolution in Smart, Autonomous Mobile Mapping

Leica Geosystems Introduces the Next Evolution in Smart, Autonomous Mobile Mapping

Reading Time: 2 minutes (Heerbrugg, Switzerland, 2 May 2023) Leica Geosystems, part of Hexagon, today announced the latest addition to its Leica Pegasus TRK portfolio of mobile mapping solutions, the Leica Pegasus TRK100. Specifically designed for GIS professionals, the new mobile mapping system is a powerful, easy-to-use geospatial solution built for large-scale infrastructure measurement and digital twin creation. The […]

Most Americans Outside of Texas Have a Positive View of the Lone Star State

Reading Time: 3 minutes The latest national poll from Crosswind Media & Public Relations shows Americans outside of Texas have a positive view of the state (59%) and believe it is a good place to vacation (69%), start a business (66%), and raise a family (64%). AUSTIN, Texas, May 2, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — The Texas brand is strong and […]

InventHelp Inventor Develops More Convenient and Efficient Scaffolding (NJD-1532)

Reading Time: < 1 minute PITTSBURGH, May 2, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — “I thought there needed to be a better way for construction workers and painters to work on buildings and other structures,” said an inventor, from Aberdeen, N.J., “so I invented the ILS.” The patent-pending ILS provides an improved way to work on a high or elevated surface. In doing […]

Vespene Energy and Viridi Energy Launch Pilot Using Landfill Methane Emissions to Power Onsite Data Processing

Reading Time: 3 minutes Pilot site in Marathon County, Wisconsin demonstrates innovative technology solution that enables landfills to mitigate harmful emissions, comply with environmental regulations and generate revenue BERKELEY, Calif., May 2, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Vespene Energy (“Vespene”), a biogas renewable energy developer, and Viridi Energy (“Viridi”), a full-service renewable natural gas (RNG) platform, today announced the launch of their […]

Trimble and FHNW Establish Trimble Technology Lab in Switzerland

Trimble and FHNW Establish Trimble Technology Lab in Switzerland

Reading Time: 3 minutes FHNW’s Trimble Technology Lab Supports Academics and Direct, Practice-Oriented Vocational Training for Architects, Civil Engineers and Geomatics Workforce WESTMINSTER, Colo., and MUTTENZ, Switzerland – Building on a vision to cultivate a highly-trained workforce that will drive the innovative solutions of tomorrow, Trimble (NASDAQ: TRMB) and the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW have collaborated to establish […]


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